About Us

“Art can permeate the very deepest part of us, where no words exist.”
Eileen Miller

Counseling and art are both tools used to transform the human experience, often painful and confusing, into something beautiful. In counseling, this process is invisible, via words and emotions in a private room. In art, this process is visible, via images created for a public conversation.

This business merges these methods, art and counseling, so you can dive deeper into a personal conversation with your oldest friend, yourself.

Our mission is to help people improve their (love) life, improving their whole life, and help professionals improve so clients have a better experience.

We wanted to elevate the quality of emotional intelligence psychotherapy by increasing the aesthetic experience and decreasing barriers of cost, class and access. Our products are designed to be useful and beautiful, trauma informed, and inexpensive resources reflecting a psychodynamic, interpersonal neurobiological and systems theory perspectives.


Jennifer and Chris

Jennifer Jones

Love Sex Trust ProductionsTM is the culmination of almost 30 years as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. I’ve studied what makes people truly happy and why they suffer. I explore how our strong reactions are clues to original repressed pain and what bullies, including the self, need to be confronted, so people can be emotionally and mentally set free.

I learned in depth also about men’s trauma. Most of which I had to discover by being interested and digging into, not what men presented openly, which sparked my intention to be someone who speaks on their behalf. Men also get victimized, some of whom victimize others and others who repress their trauma and attract abusive partners to re-enact the cycle of abuse, shame and repression.


Chris Boissevain

The romantic and creative relationship Jen and I have feels like the magic of alchemy to me, where the heavy and dull lead that has accumulated during my life is continually transformed into gold with heat, light, and love.

The gold for me has been the greater intimacy that Jen and I have been able to reach by working through our pain and defenses together in good faith. Then there is the opportunity of sharing these hard-won understandings with others through her private practice and our published content, which for me is both gratifying and healing.

The metal lead is my past experience of trauma, failed marriage, injustice, self-loathing, and disassociation.

I was able to take this opportunity with Jen in my fifties because I had chosen to create a positive life for myself instead of dwelling comfortably in regret and avoiding growth through facing my own hard truths.


Contact Us

So glad you found Love Sex Trust Productions and are investing in yourself and your relationships.

We take your investment of money, time and trust seriously. Let us know if you have any feedback that could improve the experience of the products.

Thank you.

Want to Honor Others?

Love Sex Trust ProductionsTM is dedicated to men and women who had to numb themselves to deal with difficult relationships.
Not everyone can thaw a hurt heart, and that’s okay. For those that have even an inkling of desire to do so–to take a courageous journey within–we are inspired by you.

We are honored to contribute to 1in6 and RAINN.
Boissevain Art dedicates 10% of profits of these selected psychology themed art prints shown below to the above non profits.

Art Print Purchase Page

LSTP Art Print