Couple Relationship + Communication
Couple Strengths Finder, Evans
Crucial Conversations, Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High, Switzler, Grenny, McMillian Getting the Love You Want, Hendrix Hold Me Tight, Johnson
Imago Dialogue Technique
Couples Communication, Multiple resources, Gottman

Core Issues 
Attunement, Multiple resources, Siegel
Shame, Multiple resources, Brown
Object Relations Theory, Sonoma State University, Psychology Dept.
Repetition Compulsion: Why Do We Repeat the Past, De Name
Receiving Love, Hendrix
Self Esteem, Multiple resources, Branden
Stages of PsychoSocial Development, Erikson
True Love, Thich Nat Hahn

Catch Them Being Good, Kussin
Parenting with Love & Logic, Cline
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk, Faber & Mazlish

Intimacy Tolerance: Coupling