It took us a long time to find each other, but once we did, it was love at first sight. Our gratitude and the journey of healing, is the beating heart of this business.
“How would you design yourself out of a job?” was the question Chris posed to me late one night and by the morning, the concept for Love Sex Trust Productions™ was born.
Joining forces with Chris, an artist and designer, our mission is to elevate the quality of emotional intelligence tools for individuals and partners as well as clinicians who work with complex relationship issues. Our products are designed to be useful and beautiful, trauma informed, inexpensive resources reflecting a psychodynamic, interpersonal neurobiological and systems theory perspectives.
Love Sex Trust Productions™ is the culmination of my 25 years as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist listening to people in private practice. I’ve studied what makes people truly happy and why they suffer. I explore how our strong reactions are clues to original repressed pain and what bullies, including the self, need to be confronted, so people can be emotionally and mentally set free.
I learned in depth also about men’s trauma. Most of which I had to discover by being interested and digging into, not what men presented openly, which sparked my intention to be someone who speaks on their behalf. Men also get victimized, some of whom victimize others and others who repress their trauma and attract abusive partners to re-enact the cycle of abuse, shame and repression.
Love Sex Trust Productions™ is dedicated to men and women who had to numb themselves to deal with difficult relationships.
Not everyone can thaw a hurt heart, and that’s okay. For those that have even an inkling of desire to do so–to take a courageous journey within–we are inspired by you.