Love is like a virus. It can happen to anybody at any time.
-Maya Angelou

Are you confident in your ability to select good partners?

Human development is the outcome of growth, which requires some level of pain.

This pain, either that you’ve directly experienced or inherited intergenerationally, results in frustrations; with relationships, with difficult personalities, with your own self esteem, sexual performance, or negative habits.

If pain goes on too long, you are motivated to seek help, either via self-help or professionally.

In psychotherapy, you start with a relationship pain point and a true desire, spoken or unspoken. In focusing on the present issue, using a psychodynamic theoretical lens, you explore with your therapist any early unresolved trauma and negative modeling from childhood and adolescence. You analyze relationship conflict and bonding patterns to detect and work through early repressed grief, anger, betrayal.

As you feel less burdened by the past, you implement new habits of thoughts, feelings and behaviors.

As this competence grows, true intuition and confidence blooms. With care, nurturing, and skill development, you can now turn your true heart’s desire into reality.

Love Sex Trust Productions ecosystem of products mirrors this developmental arc, organized into six developmental categories, you can use yourself, with your partner and/or a counselor.

Mate Selection/Recovery: Compatibility/Dating

This developmental category features concrete ways to assess the quality of your relationships. Instead of seeing things in good or bad, we built resources to help you reflect on your past experiences to gain insight about your deeper self. We help you answer, “What’s my loss history?” “How has loss shaped my identity?” “What do I understand about my abandonment issues?” and “How do I heal past betrayal?”

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