Are you healing from love that hurt?

Are you learning about who you are?

Sexuality is a rich, interesting area to work with because it is a verb, something we “do,” and a part of our identity, “who we are,” “what we have gone through” and a source of information about “how we feel.” Taking a curious, non-pathological exploration into these three areas of sexuality can be very empowering. It’s fascinating how sometimes we can be so unfamiliar with these fundamental areas of our own selves simply because we never thought to look deeper.

Often, performance issues, the behavioral aspects of sexuality is what commands attention. People are freaked out (or not) by changes in their desire for sex, or not being able to perform or have an orgasm. For some, a desire for a simple fix for this “malfunctioning” part is what drives people to seek help. Sometimes, there is just a medical or physiological tweaking that can change a person’s settings and happy sexuality resumes. If you’d like that direction, look for behavioral based medical and sex therapists.

I start from the framework that the performance/behavior is an indicator and our job is to become curious, informed and find out the whole story. I encourage you to frame sexuality from this vantage point. I believe the more powerful and sustainable solution is to more deeply understand one’s sexual self: the history of your sexuality, the nuances of your sexual power and identity and your vision of a future happy love/sex life.

It’s fascinating how sometimes we can be so unfamiliar with these fundamental areas of our own selves simply because we never thought to look deeper.

What’s Next for Me?

Your own self knowledge is your most powerful asset in life. Stimulate the conversation with yourself and your loved ones.

Begin by asking yourself:

  • How important are my feelings on this subject to me?
  • Am I being mean to myself?
  • Do I need support?

Read our E-book Love Sex Trust: An Overview

Let it all simmer, until you’re ready for more.

Love Sex Trust: An Overview E-Book


Not a Do It Yourself Type?

Private Couples Retreat. No groups, just you, your partner and the therapist.

Based on 20 years of experience, incorporating a straightforward, research oriented model, allowing couples to get away from daily life, and in concentrated blocks of time, resolve sexual, conflict and emotional issues, finding a way forward together or apart.

Creating solutions for happy sexuality and close relationships.

On location or via teleconference.

Learn More