Are you excited and overwhelmed?
Crisis is inevitable. Whether you are the person that sets up your life to avoid unforeseen problems or the person that just lets life unfold, you will experience loss, grief, transitions, and crises.
Most people are wired to avoid pain, not run straight into it. While some enjoy the adrenaline rush of crises, most people do not. You want to have predictability, some control in life, even if you suspect it’s an illusion. Crises, when it’s happening, interrupts whatever stability you had and is emotionally and physically taxing to your supply of energy. It can also threaten your sense of hope and future relief from pain and suffering.
Crisis and Opportunity
This is the bad rap of crisis. It also has an amazingly transformative side. Persevering through a crisis, coming out the other side, changes you. You learn about yourself, your abilities, your depth. People have the capacity to deepen their empathy for their self and others, by having gone through something really hard.
Having this experience, of going through something, separates out a lot of people. People who’ve had a lot of loss, often feel out of place with their peers, who haven’t. Crisis changes you and can also make you feel lonely, out of place. You truly have to start over. You are different now and you are building a new life from that core place. Often, you might feel a stirring to develop new backdrops to your “new self,” new surroundings, friends, hobbies, spouse, to reflect your new lease on life.