Let's Begin

How Do I Get Started?

  • Step one: Establish baseline, Rate My Emotional IQ quiz.
  • Step two: Focus on resolving a specific issue, e.g., dating, divorce, infidelity, sexual performance, couple communication, or to expand your overall emotional intelligence.
  • Step three: Download Journal App to track progression.


Creating emotional intelligence tools anyone can access to pry out of personal problems.

Mirroring the journey of self development in private practice. Instead of costing $150-$300.00 a hour, it’s $5.99.

Designed for:

  • Individuals and couples who can’t afford or prefer to avoid counseling, but want solutions.
  • People in counseling who need concrete tools.
  • People who are highly defensive, or their partners, due to prior life experiences.
  • Professionals providing mental health services.


Decrease the systemic effects of intergenerational trauma, empowering users to improve the relationship with their self, attract better partnerships to begin with, deepen the relationships they want to keep and to help people safely leave toxic ones.


The brand is based on my private psychotherapy practice, established in 2002, re-branded 2017, Love Sex Trust Psychotherapy, 2022, Private Couple Retreat Program, providing services and evaluating counseling effectiveness and outcomes for twenty years.  

Clinical Developmental Journey

Clients start with a relationship pain point and a true desire, spoken or unspoken. In focusing on the present issue, using a psychodynamic theoretical lens, we explore any early unresolved trauma and negative modeling from childhood and adolescence. We analyze relationship conflict and bonding patterns to detect and work through early repressed grief, anger, betrayal.

As clients feel less burdened by the past, they implement new habits of thoughts, feelings and behaviors.

As this competence grows, true intuition and confidence blooms, the psychological foundational tools necessary to optimize natural talents and hone executive strategy skills, such as goal setting, time management, progress tracking, which we also focus on developing. With care, nurturing, and skill development, clients can now turn their true heart’s desire into reality.

Optimization/ Performance

Love Sex Trust Productions™ Emotional Intelligence Categories

This developmental journey experienced in the clinical setting, is categorized into 6 emotional intelligence categories. Users can pick and choose ebooks, depending on their specific situation and curiosities. Training programs are being developed around mastering core competencies in each area.

eBook Categories


Optimization/ Performance

Grief, Anger, Betrayal Consolidation

Grief, Anger, Betrayal Consolidation

Sexuality: Performance, Identity, Arousal, Desire, Trauma

Sexuality: Performance, Identity, Arousal, Desire, Trauma

Intimacy Tolerance: Coupling

Intimacy Tolerance: Coupling

Stay or Go: Relationship Decision Making

Stay or Go: Relationship Decision Making

Mate Selection/Recovery: Compatibility, Dating

Mate Selection/Recovery: Compatibility, Dating


Curated, concise, expert level why, how and what to do about stubborn relationship and psychological issues using these interconnected and interactive digital guides, including visual card projectives that activate your subconscious hurts, feelings, thoughts and desires.